Shasta said...
Some people with lyme said that some psycho drug withdrawal symptoms are MUCH worse than lyme symptoms.
Well, I wonder what can be worse than lyme, so....
I am one of those people. Of course, symptoms of both Lyme and withdrawal are different for everyone. For me, withdrawal was worse. Partly because it was new and scary and NO ONE prepared for what I was about
to go through. Withdrawal was my first foray into doctors ignoring me and lying to me and blindly following pharmaceutical reps. It was my medical wake-up call, much like Lyme is for most people. It also came with great fear that the effects were permanent.
I knew the drugs were bad when, even with Lyme disease and not knowing if I was going to survive, I felt BETTER than I have in years when I stopped taking them- I suddenly had joy, and empathy, and FEELINGS and a brain. Even if it was a lyme brain and an emotional roller coaster, it felt REAL. Lyme despair was not like antidepressant despair.
Now that I am off the drugs, and still battling Lyme, I have residual depression from withdrawal (only 1 week off totally after months of tapering) but I suddenly have coping mechanisms that WORK. "Normal" depression is nothing like pharma depression.
I know many many many people go on psych drugs during lyme because doctors are all concerned about
depression and suicide. But I would highly recommend using this time to get into therapy and learn coping skills, learn how to grieve, learn how to accept changes and your limitations. LL therapists do exist, and hopefully more will be trained as this disease spreads.