flowergarden said...
playing off my other thread I want to explore the babesia thing, as this is a possible thing for me.
To recap my symptoms are persistent 100% of the time:
tight squeezing feeilng in my diaphragm chest heart and lungs making me feel I am suffocating, accompanied by a severe bloating that is also a tightness and comes all the time even when I dont eat, sometimes worse than others.
no sweating or chills or fevers or joint aches.
For some reason I ahve not tested for it other than a basic blood test last yr that was not ignenex, I really need to do the igenex babesia blood tests and am not sure why I havent yet but plan to next.
so does this sound like babesia or not? anyone else have similar feelings?
I had low iron a few years back but not now as far as I know though its been 6 months since a blod test, last one was not low iron.
I heard cryptolepsis artemesia and curcumin are soem of the things ppl use to treat babesia. what antibiotics or antimalarials are used?
how accurate are the igenex tests?
Can accupuncture of chinese medicine work on this kind of thing? I know it is a blood virus.
any more info? ugh its been so long I should have figured this out by now, should have gotten the igenex test rather than the other blood tests I did too many of in the last two years that helped not at all.
Last year was doing a bab, artemesia, curcumin, did about a month of cryptolepsis- noo change with any of it.
I read an article by one LLMD. I just can’t remember the doctors name. I’ll try to find it. He said a good way to test for babesia is with byron whites A-BAB. They’re supposed to be super strong. Some people can’t tolerate it. He uses it to rule it out since testing is often unreliable. 1-2 drops and slowly increases to see if you get a babs herx. Just an idea but proceed with caution or with your doctor. I’ve never used his formulations. I’ve heard some doctors don’t like it because it can facilitate a big herx, but even if just to see if you have a response to confirm or negate your suspicion .
Have you gotten a good neurological exam? What you are experiencing could also be an MS hug, so I would rule out other conditions as well.
What were you diagnosed clinically? Did you test positive for anything? Of course tests aren’t the most reliable.