UAZip05 said...
I was diagnosed clinically with Bartonella and probably Babesia as well. Has anyone been successful with the Buhner Protocol in treating these?
I've been on Buhner herbs for about
7 months and I'm doing better, but I'm also on 1.5mg LDN. I recently stopped the herbs because I feel like my immune system has kicked in.
I saw my LLMD last week and she did a ton of bloodwork, so hopefully I'll have the results soon and have some concrete evidence of my gut instincts. I am feeling better, though I still have some head inflammation, headaches, and random weird symptoms. But -- I instinctively feel like I am closer to getting back to exercising, so that's huge for me. I used to work out 6 days a week. Right now I'm just walking 3-5 miles a day, and managing to clean my apt. Compared to how bad things were over the summer I feel a lot better. (I suspect I've had Lyme and Bartonella my entire life. I had minor Babesia symptoms and tested negative for it.)