astroman - Good points. I'm getting closer to acceptance with Lyme, and it has taught me so much. Not fun lessons, but lessons nonetheless.
The "health clueless" you mention - I know the same people - one is my ex-wife
. Because of the loss of what I now know is elasticity/collagen, it is obvious I have lost weight. People know I limit my diet because of health, so some insist "you're not eating enough. That is why you're losing weight."
That may play a part, but it is so much more, as we all know. But I no longer let that bother me, another aspect of freedom. If I could feel good and be skinny, I can deal with that. At least it's not muscle or it would really impact life. But I am not afraid of COVID-19 nor what it might do TO ME. As mentioned, my concern is for others.
And those we have almost totally lost - the ones who went through the depression, WWII and Korea - bad things just became a way of life for so many and they made the best of it. My mom and dad fit that group. All the parents of my friends did too.
I'm so glad you are doing so much better. That has been great to read. I'm at an age where I still want to live life, but so many years of bad health after being so active for so much of my life has taken its toll. That is why I'm not afraid of the pandemic. Dealing with Lyme, EBV, kidneys simply has worn me down to life.
So we just keep at it and see what happens. As you said, there is a freedom to it, but the physical fatigue still limits what can be done. But the fear of things is slowly diminishing, but acceptance of living like this is still not good. What COVID-19 might do to me, however, has no impact in my mind.