I have not read Bitten. I'd like to read it eventually, as well as Lyme: The First Epidemic of Climate Change. I am not going to read them soon, though, because right now the time I choose to devote to Lyme and illness needs to go toward researching ways to get better and help others. The anger and dystopian nightmares the books will fuel are not stressors my body needs at this phase!
Have you read it?
Garzie - Dr. Jay Davidson (the host) has been doing Lyme summits and many other webinars (parasites, autoimmunity, etc.) for years, for free. He means well and seems to care genuinely, quite a bit. His wife almost died from Lyme, and he himself has had various relevant issues. He does not present as a very erudite person, though, I agree - sometimes gets words wrong and doesn't always ask the most relevant questions as a facilitator, sometimes referring to ideas that are unsupported scientifically. I judge him less harshly than I did at first, just because after years of these webinars I feel like he is doing decent work overall, and I appreciate that he gives others a platform in these webinars. Each presenter has to be taken with a grain of salt, of course! Some are more helpful than others, just as with any group of practitioners....