Evanston1 said...
The first time I was sick (I was acutely very very sick) I was on oral antibiotics for well over a year. I also got a terrible c diff infection in the process. Ultimately, I wound up going to a hospital in Germany for whole body hyperthermia treatment with my daughter (she was 11 at the time) and it literally saved our lives and got us totally back to normal. So I saw my dr today and I’m starting IMBicillin tomorrow and I’ll stay on the doxy and azithromycin. If it doesn’t help, I’m going back to Germany. Not ideal but neither is staying on antibiotics for months to years on end.
wow, I have never heard any personal experiences of anyone who has actually done the hyperthermia treatment in Germany
would you be willing to tell us a little more about
what that was like - eg what was involved, were abx given as well and how arduous was it?