Sunflower1920 said...
I tested positive for Bartonella. My LLMD put me on Rifampin ( oral). Unfortunately, I've heard many not so good stories about that drug. I am on day 4 of it and my anxiety is so bad, worrying so much. In the middle of the night it's a lot worse. I guess I have legitimate worry ( who doesn't in the Lyme community right? Living with a chronic illness is not easy)
The body pain was really bad earlier with bad fatigue. Not sure if I can call this a herx or not since all these symptoms are Bartonella anyway.
When taking Rifampin how soon did anyone( if anything) find relief??? I'm such a mess now and so scared this won't cure me. I'm on 2 pills (300mg each) 2x a day.
It is a difficult drug to tolerate, but if you can, it is the first choice drug because it is bactericidal (kills pathogen when high enough concentration hits it) vs. bacteriostatic (kills pathogen by inhibiting it’s ability to replicate) and crosses the BBB.
It is combined with a tetracycline or a macrolide (if your symptoms are neuro you may want to consider minocycline since that crosses the BBB whereas macrolides don’t).
I went from deathly ill to feeling much better in about
4-6 weeks. I was able to tolerate rifampin for 8 weeks. Generally you want to take it for at least 3 months. Anxiety was my biggest symptom and taking clonzepam (I had been on it before I got sick for existing anxiety issues) helped tremendously. You don’t have to go that route, just detox well, rest, and soon you’ll be feeling better. I herxed about
a week into it and could feel the inflammation throughout my body. Towards the end of my treatment I would feel worse about
1-2 hours after taking Rif (it has a short half life and reaches peak concentrations soon after taking it) and knew I had to stop it. The symptoms of intolerance were different from what I had experienced with Bart - felt very weak, tired, and like I was going to faint at times.
It got rid of my Bart, though! The other combos of drugs that attack Bart (Tetracyclines, macrolides, tindamax) did nothing but keep it in check. Rifampin eliminated it.