Oh, wow!!! Yeah, mold is very likely the problem. It’s entirely possible that you are experiencing CIRS from mold exposure rather than a Lyme relapse.
Check out information about
https://www.survivingmold.com/diagnosisJust so you’re aware, a lot of doctors who once followed the Shoemaker protocol have moved away from that model, as it is very rigid and some patients need a different approach.
Dr. Neil Nathan’s book Toxic is very informative, I hear. I haven’t read it, but others here have.
Definitely get out of that mold exposure for sure. The sooner the better. When you move, make sure you don’t end up in another moldy place. It’s very easy to do, as mold is often hidden.
The doctors who treat mold recommend using the ERMI or HERTSMI-2 test from Mycometrics Lab to test buildings to see how moldy they are and make educated guesses as to whether or not they are safe for a sensitive person.