Hey guys.
Seeing as we have a thread for Disulfiram, I thought I'd create one for methylene blue.
I have been inspired, by the posts on facebook. One in particular of an individual who has regained a great deal of autonomy having used the two in conjunction, with suspected bartonella and lyme to name a few. The guy is a student and is making progress with little support from his family.
I am beginning today, to use methylene blue as a monotherapy. Until I get my antibiotics, where I will use it in conjunction with them as well.
I'm starting on a dose of approximately 50mg. Just to test the water and I aim to take 800mg for a week straight to see it's effect on bartonella. After steadily increasing.
Here's a document with information based on it's historical use as an antimalarial. Along with information from the John Hopkins studies done last year.
Methylene Blue for BartonellaHere also are one individuals experiences using methylene blue. He has been very thorough. There are others that have experienced improvements, but not total cures so there's a way to go, it being experimental and all but I have hope.
Facebook Success
It's available in 100mg caps from a compounding pharmacy if you're in the US. I am however, buying my own powder and making my own capsules, with the help of a scale. The powder is cheap - but not "pharmaceutical grade" it has been tested and is practically identical in quality of the MB used in a clinical setting, be it IV or orally.
Here are the test results on the MB in powder form from APCA risk I'm willing to take in all honesty, considering how disabling this disease is.
MB has been used for over 100 years. It should be taken with food, to avoid GI complaints. It also colours urine a vivid blue., and my cause minor bladder irritation.
I will post additional studies in a moment...