Prevalite is the diet version of Cholestyramine. Cholestyramine is an old cholesterol lowering drug. It is a bile sequestrant that is used by mold, Lyme, and other functional doctors to bind toxins as they get released in the bile so they don’t keep recycling through the hepatic loop.
This is Shoemaker’s handout on Cholestyramine used for binding toxins. Beware that it is a very potent binder. As it removes toxins, additional toxins that have been stored in the body will start to “dump” into the bile. If you are very toxic, you may get very sick. Some people cannot tolerate normal doses of CSM for this reason. It is best to start off very low and slow to see how you are affected.
You should know that Prevalite is the diet version and contains aspartame. The regular version has sugar. In each of those (diet and regular), the dose is 9 grams. Only 4 grams is the Cholestyramine. The other 5 grams are junk. Pure Cholestyramine is available from some compounding pharmacies like Hopkinton Drug, but is very expensive.
I have never heard anything about
this drug having any effect in biofilm - only as a toxin binding agent or cholesterol lowering drug.