dcd2103 said...
I think leuvocorin is another form of folate, similar to methylfolate, but comes in a standardized Rx form. Another chance for pharma to mark-up a cheap drug and charge you too much is my guess, but i dont know that for sure. I think its only available by rx?
aphysicalwreck, are you on any medications? I felt like this when i was on gabapentin, very dizzy and unable to balance.
I think that the leucovorin is better then methyl folate.
I am on rifampin and azithromycin right now. I was also on dapsone but got scared of it because of the methyl folate situation.
I have had lyme for years with treatment off and on. All of a sudden this past summer I started to treat with herbs (not even anywhere near full dose yet) and I started to get worse.
It started with lightheaded feeling. Little by little things got worse and worse. I was very functional before and I am no dysfunctional. It lead to a huge problem with weak legs and a disequilibrium problem. I had to hold on to the walls to walk.
At that point I went to a new LLMD and started antibiotics. I am not any better yet. The only thing that is better is that I dont have to hold on to the walls but I still have the issue.
I still sway when standing, weak legs and stiffness and muscle pain in left leg. Its very difficult to walk. Plus my usuals. Internal shaky feeling, head tingling, head pressure etc. the list goes on and on.