- 27 years old
- Bartonella
- Bebesia
- No Lyme
- Currently on disulfiram & clarithromyacin
- Relatively insensitive to medication/supplements (I certainly herx, but it is mild compared to many others according to my doctor; I tolerate things pretty well.)
Dose 1 - ModernaDay 1- Administered around 10am
- Felt muscle soreness at injection site within 10 minutes
- Had pretty intense brain fog/zoning out within a couple hours after injection, cleared up within a couple hours too
- Within those same hours I felt a bit like I was out of breath easily and taking shallow breaths, but nothing major
- Arm pain got worse into the evening, was radiating down my arm and into my shoulder blade; didn't want to move my arm or be touched
- Felt pretty okay other than that, was a bit tired
- Took 2 Benadryl to reduce symptoms, namely the arm pain (my doc said to take it before the shot but I forgot...whoops!)
- Promptly got very tired and went to bed early; slept through the night just fine
Day 2- Woke up groggy as usual, no change from normal
- Had a low-grade headache in the morning that went away with some ibuprofen
- Arm soreness still there but not as intense; slight swelling at injection site
- Got an eye floater (which hasn't happened in awhile)
- Felt pretty quickly overstimulated by noise and light (asked people to talk quietly, put blinds down); this is also common for me but hadn't happened in a few days
Day 3- Still easily overstimulated by noise, had to go in the other room when we had a small family gathering (safe, of course)
- Irritable, urge to cry
- The 2 above symptoms went away by the evening time
By Day 4, I feel totally normal. Overall, I'd say I fared pretty well. Some friends experienced chills, slight fever, major fatigue, etc. And I didn't have any of that (except for the fatigue on the day of, but that may have been Benadryl induced). The worst symptom was really just the arm soreness, which was really only bad on the day of the injection. Everything else was within my normal scope of symptoms anyway, so I can't be sure what was brought up by the vaccine or if it was just my normal bout of symptoms.
Thought I'd share in case anyone was curious how it goes! I'll post an update in a few weeks when I get the second dose. Hope this helps someone!
Post Edited (mitchkay) : 2/8/2021 11:51:30 PM (GMT-7)