Quin said...
I did not do well on bactrim. I just didn't feel well. It didn't affect my folate too much, but it messed with my kidney function and electrolytes. Sodium/potassium ratio got screwed up, and blood tests showed elevated creatinine.
Bactrim did cause a typical bartonella herx, so I'd say it's effective against bart.
I found that rifampin didn't seem to do much to bartonella, so I suspect bart can be resistant to it. I stopped the rifampin because it was majorly messing with my adrenals.
Ultimately I treated bartonella with minocycline to kill the active form, plus some other abx to drive it out of its dormant state. The problem I had with minocycline was it's immunosuppressive effects, causing me to get viral infections repeatedly. Other than that, I could tolerate it okay.
Hi thanks Quin! Can you describe the bartonella herx so I know what to look for?