Never got a root canal. I just think it’s interesting the connection with my jaw as the first Lyme symptom I got, and that I’ve been having symptoms years later now, and that certain herbs seem to trigger my jaw.
I don’t think the CDC testing parameters are accurate. They test for less strains than Igenix does. So I’m more willing to believe that Igenix being positive is accurate. And the fact that Galaxy detected Bartonella and it was never treated for, whether it’s old or new, means that I likely have it and need to treat for it.
Anyway thanks for the input. It seems to me that the correlation between specific herbs causing this jaw pain (which started with Lyme) is too clear to deny. I’m going to take it as a positive sign that they are having an effect. Generally, I feel better after herxing so I will keep at it.
potsnpans said...
Sounds like you're in a tricky spot. If you have tested positive on a western blot before, you may continue to test positive from here on out no matter what you do. What caused you to see the Lyme doctors?
Have you ever had a root canal? I have and for years I would get pain on that one side of my jaw.. Lyme treatments would sometimes flare it.