saraeli said...
I'd invest in a portable EKG device, for peace of mind, and make sure your ribs are all in proper alignment by seeing a chiropractor, craniosacral therapist, or physical therapist. Any chance it's costochondritis or reflux? An appointment with a cardiologist might east your mind as well. COVID causes myocarditis, including asymptomatic COVID, so that's another possibility. (The flu and other viruses can as well.)
Does the feeling ever vary - worse at some times than others, goes away sometimes, changes location slightly, worse in certain positions? Do you have other cardiac symptoms - tachycardia, blood pressure changes, palpitations, arrhythmias, headaches, feeling short of breath?
Yes the feeling does vary. I can go whole days without feeling anything and then it comes back again. It can feel different depending on the position I'm in too (i.e. lying on my side). My blood pressure seems to have always been relatively stable. I don't get headaches often, nor shortness of breath.
Several months ago there was a couple of days where my heart was beating irregularly which terrified me at the time, although I have not had this since. I have had heart palpitations in the past but have not had this recently. My main symptom is just a dull ache in my heart region that comes and goes.