Sounds like you are back to base line and did great.
Glad you also had a nice pharmacist. I find that many know about
LD now. The issue is they think all LD is the same. I hear all the time "Oh I know someone who had Lyme. They took antibiotics for ten days and they're fine." It's the chronic, varied type that still seems misunderstood. At least where I am.
Raleigh, You made the right choice. I'm spacing out my second for the same reason. I can't miss college drop off
Don't fret about
Moderna vs Pfizer - they are pretty much the same.
I had my first Pfizer dose exactly two weeks ago and I was hit hard. I started out fine but then around day three got really bad headaches, fatigue -like EBV, and nerve pain. I walk or hike every day and haven't walked since August 4th. Well actually I took one short 30 minute walk on day five and felt worse afterwards. I think I'm finally better. I had Covid so I'm hoping that my first dose was the harsher one. Guess I'll find out. I'm spacing them way out because I need more time for my body to balance out.
I'm still really happy I got it. My son, who also has LD, had Covid, and is fully vaccinated - said that maybe it's waking up my original symptoms to get rid of them (mount immunity). He feels so much better after having the vaccine. Many of his LD symptoms have vanished. Some LD patients are feeling better from it. Hope that's true for all of us.
Keep us posted.