Lyme6483 said...
New here, and wanted to see if anyone has experienced this.
I have been treating Lyme and Bart since January 2015. Have had positive test for Lyme through Igenix and Bart through Galaxy. Basically been on various abx protocols until February 2021. Would usually get to about 75% on abx and then relapse whenever I stopped the abx.
February of this year I decided I needed to give the abx a break and try some herbal protocols.
Currently taking glutathione, a good multi vitamin, GI detox, Allimed, Liposomal Oregano, Sida Acuta, IHA from WE, and recently added Cryto-Plus.
I have been on this regiment for about 2 months with improvement in Lyme/ Bart symptoms and improvement with my gut, but then today all my GI symptoms came back bad out of nowhere.
Loose stool, gas, gurgling, pain in my lower stomach.
I switched to a more natural approach, as I thought this would be best for the GI issues. Anyone else have herbs/ supplement cause bad GI issues? I really don’t want to stop the herbs as they seem to be working just like when I was on abx.
Could be herxing, things really do pop out during herxes that I even forgot about
. Also are you taking probiotics ?