Hi forum. I'm a 24 year old male. Have been living with a chronic Bartonella infection since i played with a cat. That was when I was either 5 or 6 years old, basically a kid. So I've had this infection undiagnosed for decades, and only found out about
it like a year ago and started aggressively treating it with antibiotics. And have made a big difference, but the progress is slow. It seems that bartonella is actively ignoring the abx by going into a persister state or by acquiring resistance to abx. And it seems that lately abx don't stop the inflammation, which tells me that the infection has become resistant.
My symptoms:
1) Anxiety (OCD, generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety)
2) Depression (irritability, crying spells, moodiness)
3) Tourrete' s syndrome (head or face movements that are involuntary)
4) Fatigue (low energy, might be due to the bacteria causing mitochondrial dysfunction?)
5) Brain fog (no executive function, no recall memory, concentration issues)
6) Visual disturbances
7) Autism spectrum disorder (probably asperger's syndrome with a lot of uncontrollable rage)
I was put through the years on all sorts of psych meds that didn't address the underlying issue of undiagnosed bartonella infection. Of course those psych meds ultimately failed (ssri, mood stabilizers etcetera).
I tested myself for lyme and babesia, but came negative and my symptoms don't match those 2 infections and also I never had a tick bite or a rash that I could recall, however I had a cat encounter when I was a kid, but my symptoms started years later nonetheless.
Therefore, what I'm suffering from is a chronic Bartonella infection. Chronic is the key word, because there are people who can get bartonella and fight it off once and for good, whose immune system started a cytokine storm the first time they encountered the pathogen. That doesn't seem to happen with a lot of people who develop chronic symptoms.
From what I had gathered around the internet, it seems that infections like Brucella, Bartonella, Chlamydia and possibly other slow growing intracellular infections shut off your immune system to ensure their survival. Bartonella mainly lives inside the red blood cells and while living intracellularly, it shuts off apoptotic cell death programming that is a part of every cell in your body, which helps a cell destroy itself when it has faulty DNA programming to prevent things like cancer. Bartonella seems to modify our DNA which lets the bacteria persist and not be destroyed by the immune system (because the immune system doesn't even recognize it).
I've taken oregano oil, monolaurin, rifampin, doxycycline and a bunch of other pharmaceuticals and herbs only to reach a point where bartonella either enters a long persistent state of ignoring the abx or worse, becomes resistant. I think mine became resistant to doxycycline and monolaurin, however there are lab studies which show that it shouldn't become resistant to doxycycline, but it seems it becomes. Oh well, what do you expect from some small lab study in a Petri dish.
Either way, abx alone wont cure probably someone of a Bartonella infection if it evades your immune system to persist in the body forever. I'm asking you folks here, have you found some ways to turn the immune system on so that it can detect bartonella or is it pretty much impossible once you are infected?
Post Edited (recoveryguy) : 10/10/2021 10:01:33 AM (GMT-6)