OH MY GOD. Only now I realise what is happening and why my intestines hurt while on rifampin.
I take 35-40 billion of probiotics a day and I'm currently on 600 mg of rifampin and 500 mg of azithromycin. This isn't a huge dose, if rifampin was substituted for any other abx, even 5-10 billion of probiotics would work. I was fine on levaquin and bactrim and others.
But since Rifampin is such a crappy drug, it is excreted through stool. WHICH MEANS THIS crap IS INHIBITING BACTERIA IN THE GUT EVEN AFTER BEING METABOLIZED THERE AND THROUGH THE LIVER.
This is the reason why your stool changes it's color to orange. Rifampin is excreted 60-65% through faeces.
Tell me people, I can't be the only one who's stool changes color from brown to orange on rifampin and whose intestines hurt while on It? This drug is bad and old, I have no idea why LLMD and researchers use it for Bart/Lyme, for TB it's understandable, TB is a lethal infection with a high mortality rate, Bart/Lyme on the other hand rarely cause someone to die, they just become chronically disabled. Taking Rifampin for months to years in trying to treat Bart/Lyme is like changing one disability for another. I'm scared that rifampin use long term can lead to intestinal damage or bowel cancer. This drug is excreted through the stool, actively inhibiting bacteria even after full metabolism.
Rifampin is bad.
Post Edited (recoveryguy) : 10/15/2021 11:44:11 AM (GMT-6)