Yes, my thoughts are to do what I say and start treating this as a serious autoimmune disease first and foremost. Contact Dr Younger, or find a specialist in your area who can deal with this. You may have to travel.
Assuming it is some form of encephalitis, which it may be based on serious personality changes, neuropathy, complaints of subjective brain swelling...LLMDs are not equipped to handle this. Yes there is a place for antibiotics, 100% without a doubt, but when there is neurological autoimmunity you need to get that under control or the results can be pretty devastating. That usually means some form immunotherapy before or while the infection is being treated. That also means finding someone who is both a neurologist and an LLMD who can do both.
Waiting for an LLMD to prescribe some rifampin just is not going to fix this and you need to recognize that, is my point.
Join the "PANDAS/PANS Plasmapheresis" group on FB and talk to them about
who the Drs are that maybe can help you in your area. Plasmapharesis is another treatment they use in this situation which can be pretty effective, where they literally filter the blood of antibodies.
Finding a specialist isnt easy. Join some PANS/PANDAS groups, a lot of them have search bars like this one: unfortunately some of them are just integrative drs who will not use immunotherapy
If she gets it under control she can return to normal, many people do