JMF84 said...
Was the Dr. J protocol the first ABX protocol you had done for Lyme? And how long was it on the protocol before you noticed the effects?
How can you tell by the genetic testing if you have low SOD and glutathione production?
I had done antibiotics before with an integrative doctor, it was treatment based on symptoms rather than a set protocol. The warning signs were new fatigue - not much to go on - and a mild burning in my forearms like they had been overworked.
With Cipro the first warning was post-exertional malaise and heat intolerance. A week after completing that first treatment cycle, tendinitis began in my heels, then worsened despite discontinuing the drug. This was IV treatment and I was detoxing with two liters of saline a day, with a high rate of infusion, if it made any difference I don't know.
With genetic testing, you'd get a report showing which SNPs you have, and if they decrease SOD and glutathione levels.
agifia said...
wow this doctor poison you, what is it that you mean he is not aware of risk?
i am so sorry to hear he did this to you.
If the doctor had known about
my risk factors for detox, he wouldn't have prescribed Cipro. This knowledge isn't making its way through the Lyme community and to LLMDs. I did know that fluoroquinolones were dangerous, I thought that having IV fluids would prevent toxicity, but it didn't.
bluelyme- Bactrim can inhibit folate metabolism, amongst its other risks. Medicine isn't personalized yet to predict these reactions, doctors prescribe drugs based on averages and hope for the best. After my experience, I'd recommend people use herbals if they have a lot of unexplained sensitivities, it's not worth the risk of disability by taking pharmaceuticals.
WalkingbyFaith- There are other labs than 23andMe for genetic testing of these SNPs,
this one is $200, plus the cost of the practitioner. With those sensitivities and such low glutathione, I would consider looking into it.