Sunflower1920 said...
I'm very sorry Despair,
Wow, I am starting to think I have an issue with strep too. Before I knew about chronic Lyme and going into treatment that was going to be my next step, I was seriously considering seeing a Infectious Disease doctor to look into that further.
Growing up I always had strep throat. I had a doctor tell my mom when I was younger that I was a carrier. I currently have chronic EBV too. Growing up yes I had major anxiety and OCD. I knew a family who had chronic lyme and the youngest daughter had PANDAS along with the lyme. They always used to talk about strep and it's link to PANS/PANDAS disease
I know there's alot of controversy about people, especially adults, having their tonsils removed. I know strep is in other parts of your body too. I'd be interested to see articles on this and what other ppl have to say.
Maybe the strep bacteria is preventing us from getting well?
I would not remove your tonsil . The infection is literally not in my tonsils anymore it’s somewhere else in my body. I think in my blood stream at this point . Removing tonsils won’t treat the infection. I test positive for strep still even though it’s gone from my tonsils and I still have strep symptoms specifically impetigo . Adult PANDAS is real. At the hospital I was constantly washing my hands uncontrollably and was about
to start praying on the ground . I also have another OCD intruding thoughts that disable me and makes it hard to socialize with others due to fear of hurting someone. Yes strep will make treating Lyme difficult . Strep is worse than these infections because it’s more deadlier ! Strep seems to also be common co infection of Lyme and staph.