Thanx for feedback Quin and wladek83.
I have tried everything under the sun except methylene blue and fenbendazole w-83, and my LLMD is not comfortable with Ivermectin and Dapsone and the other "D" Girlie and others have taken. I've also done the full gambit of Buhner herbs including JK, Cats claw, Hout, Crypto, Sida, Isatus (sp?), Alconia, etc.
Here's my full list of treatment protocols without herbs used in parallel from 2012 thru 2019.
4/10/22 to Present: Gabapentin, Plaquenil, Bactrim DS and heart meds.
3/29/22 to 4/9/22: Gabapentin, Plaquenil, Rifabutin, Bactrim DS and heart meds.
2/1/22 to 3/28/22: Plaquenil, Rifabutin, Bactrim DS and heart meds.
12/3/21 to 2/1/22: Rifabutin, Bactrim DS and heart meds.
9/21/21 to 12/2/21: Tetra, Bactrim DS and heart meds.
7/7/21 to 9/19/21: Tetracycline 2 wks on/off, then full time Aug thru Sept, Baby aspirin and heart meds.
6/5/21 to 7/6/21: Baby aspirin and heart meds.
5/15/21 to 6/4/21: IM Bicillin, Baby aspirin and heart meds.
4/19/21 to 5/14/21: Baby aspirin and heart meds.
3/17/21 to 4/18/21: DSF re-started at 250mg, increased to 375mg 4/5; with baby aspirin and heart meds.
10/16/20 to 3/16/21: Baby Aspirin, Heart and Stint Meds
9/28/20 to 10/15/20: Ceftin, Baby Aspirin, Heart and Stint Meds
7/14/20 to 9/27/20: Disulfiram 250mg 6/25, Ceftin, Baby Aspirin, Heart and Stint Meds
1/26/20 to 7/13/20: Disulfiram (started 62.5mg, 375mg 2/26, 500mg 5/24), Baby Aspirin, Heart and Stint Meds
1/21/20 to 1/25/20: Bactrim DS, Biaxin, Baby Aspirin, Heart and Stint Meds.
10/20/19 to 1/20/20: Malarone, Bactrim DS, Biaxin, Nystatin. Baby Aspirin, Heart and Stint Meds.
9/26/19 to 10/20/19: Alinia (x2) Bactrim DS, Biaxin, Nystatin. Baby Aspirin, Heart and Stint Meds change.
8/13/19 to 9/25/19: Alinia (x2) Bactrim DS, Nystatin. Baby Aspirin, Heart and Stint Meds started.
4/20/19 to 8/12/19: Alinia (x2), Bactrim DS, Biaxin, Nystatin, Lipo OoO (ran out 5/2019), LDN (ran out 7/2019)
4/9/19 to 4/19/19: Alinia (x2), Rifampin, Biaxin, Nystatin, Liposomal Oil of Oregano, LDN full time
10/18/18 to 4/8/19: Alinia, Rifampin, Biaxin, Nystatin, Liposomal Oil of Oregano, LDN full time
7/9/18 to 10/17/18: Alinia, Rifampin, Biaxin, Nystatin, Liposomal Oil of Oregano full time
3/12/18 to 7/8/18: Tetra, Diflucan, Alinia, Oregano 2 week on/3 week off pulse.
11/18/17 to 3/11/18: Tetra, Diflucan, Alinia 2 week on/3 week off pulse, added Liposomal Oil of Oregano
7/24/17 to 11/17/17: Tetra, Diflucan, Alinia 2 week on/3 week off pulse
7/1/17 to 7/9/17: Tetra 2 week pulse, ran out 7/9/17
6/14/17 to 6/30/17: Tetra, Alinia (ran-out) 2 week on/off pulse
5/27/17 to 6/13/17: Tetra, Diflucan, Alinia 2 week on/off pulse
5/1/17 to 5/26/17: Tetra, Diflucan, Alinia 2 week on/off pulse, continue Famvir full time
4/17/17 to 4/30/17: Ceftin and Bactrim full time after bite, added Tetracyline, continued Famvir
11/24/16 to 4/16/17: Pulse Ceftin and Bactrim 2 weeks on/off. Added Famvir fulltime.
9/24/16 to 11/23/16: Pulse Ceftin and Bactrim 2 weeks on/off.
7/28/16 to 9/23/16: Pulse Ceftin, Bactrim, Diflucan 2 weeks on/off.
7/7/16 to 7/27/16: Pulse Ceftin and Bactrim 2 weeks on/off. No refills left for Alinia
5/9/16 to 7/6/16: Pulse Ceftin and Bactrim 2 weeks on/off, Alinia full time
2/29/16 to 5/7/16: Nystatin, Cipro, and Plaquenil full time; pulse Ceftin 2 weeks on/off
2/15/16 to 2/28/16: Crypto, Nystatin, Cipro, Tetracycline, Plaquenil full time, no pulse.
12/7/15 to 2/14/16: Crypto, Nystatin, Cipro, Tetracycline, Plaquenil. ABX pulsed 2 weeks on/off
11/26/15 to 12/6/15: Rx Cryptolepis, Nystatin
9/23/15 to 11/25/15: Rx Cryptolepis, Cipro, Tetracycline, Plaquenil, Nystatin (liquid)
7/31/15 to 9/17/15: Rx Cryptolepis, Cipro, Minocycline
7/18/15 to 7/30/15: Rx Cryptolepis, Cipro
5/21/15 to 7/17/15: Rx Cryptolepis
4/16/15 to 5/15/15: Diflucan
3/19/15 to 4/15/15: Nystatin
2/1/15 to 3/18/15: Minocycline, Nystatin
12/17/14 to 2/1/15: Minocycline, Plaquenil, Nystatin
12/09/14 to 12/16/14: Plaquenil, Nystatin,
11/19/14 to 12/8/14: Plaquenil, Nystatin, Levaquin
11/12/14 to 11/18/14: Plaquenil, Nystatin, Minocycline
10/10/14 to 11/11/14: Plaquenil, Nystatin, Diflucan
9/8/14 to 10/9/14: Minocycline, Plaquenil, Nystatin
8/4/14 to 9/7/14: Minocycline, Plaquenil, Nystatin, Valtrex
7/8/14 to 8/3/14: Plaquenil, Nystatin, Valtrex
6/8/14 to 7/7/14: Minocycline, Plaquenil, Nystatin, Valtrex
4/19/14 to 6/7/14: Minocycline, Plaquenil, Nystatin
4/2/14 to 4/18/14: Doxycycline, Plaquenil, Nystatin
3/10/15 to 4/1/14: Coartem (last dose taken 3/26/14 am), Nystatin
2/6/14 to 3/6/14: Doxycycline, Plaquenil, Rifampin, Nystatin
11/23/13 to 2/5/14: Minocycline, Plaquenil, Rifampin, Nystatin
11/9/13 to 11/22/13: Minocycline, Plaquenil, Rifampin
10/30/13 to 11/4/13: Minocycline, Plaquenil, Parastroy,
10/20/13 to 10/29/13: Minocycline, Parastroy
10/11/13 to10/19/13: Diflucan, Parastroy
9/21/13 to 10/6/13: Coartem
8/16/13 to 9/20/13: Oral Minocycline, Bactrim DS, Alinia, Diflucan
5/23/13 to 8/15/13: Oral Minocycline, Bactrim DS, Tindamax, Alinia
4/1/13 to 5/22/13: Oral Minocycline, Bactrim DS, Tindamax
3/8/13 to 3/30/13: IV Doxycycline, Bactrim DS, Tindamax
2/5/13 to 3/7/13: Zithromax, IV Doxycycline, Mepron x2, Bactrim DS, Tindamax
1/21/13 to 2/5/13: Zithromax, IV Doxycycline, Actigall, Mepron x2, Bactrim DS, Tindamax
10/29/12 to 1/20/13: Zithromax, IV Rocephin (2x/4 days/wk), Actigall, Mepron x2, Bactrim DS, Tindamax
9/12/12 to 10/29/12: Zithromax, IV Rocephin (2x/4 days/wk), Actigall, Mepron x2, Bactrim DS
8/25/12 to 9/11/12: Zithromax, IV Rocephin (2x/4 days/wk), Actigall, Mepron x2
6/30/12 to 8/24/12: Zithromax, IV Rocephin (2x/4 days/wk), Actigall, Mepron x2, Diflucan
6/22/12 to 6/29/12: Zithromax, IV Rocephin (2x/4 days/wk), Actigall, Mepron x2
4/19/12 to 6/21/12: Zithromax, IV Rocephin (2x/4 days/wk), Actigall, Mepron, Bactrim DS
2/27/12 to 4/19/12: Zithromax, IV Rocephin (2x/4 days/wk), Actigall, Mepron
2/21/12 to 2/26/12: Zithromax, IV Rocephin (2x/4 days/wk, 3 days off pulse), Actigall, Rifampin
1/17/12 to 2/20/12: Zithromax, IV Rocephin (1x/day), Actigall, Rifampin
12/19/11 to 1/16/12: Zithromax, IV Rocephin (1x/day), Actigall
10/11/11 to 12/9/11: Zithromax, Doxycycline, Rifampin (STOPPED all due to elevated ALT/AST)
9/18/11 to 10/11/11: Zithromax, Augmentin, Rifampin
8/24/11 to 9/17/11: Zithromax, Augmentin, Mepron
6/29/11 to 8/23/11: Zithromax, Suprax, Mepron
5/10/11 to 6/28/11: Zithromax, Omnicef, Mepron
3/31/11 to 5/9/11: Zithromax, Omnicef
3/25/11 to 3/30/11: Biaxin, Plaquenil
3/18/11 to 3/24/11: Biaxin, Plaquenil, Diflucan
3/8/11 to 3/17/11: Biaxin, Plaquenil
11/4/10 to 3/7/11: Tetracycline
3/11/10 to 11/3/10: Biaxin, Plaquenil
I need to start a 30day course of Diflucan first then decide my next round of Rx. Funds are limited since on SS retirement, just need to get back to 85% again and live with the rest,
Post Edited (tickbite666) : 4/18/2022 6:22:10 PM (GMT-6)