Omega33 said...
Are you in remission?
I believe I am.
I’m still taking abx one week (4 days in that week)
And then taking a few weeks off.
Started with 3 weeks off and then stretched it to 4 weeks .
I will continue to stretch the time off until I feel comfortable to completely stop.
I have two issues leftover.
I had over 30 symptoms prior to treatment and now I have two.
1) short term memory isn’t as good as it was pre lyme
2) pain in my mid/upper back still bothers me at times but prob about
a 3 out of 10 if I was to rate it.
I am hoping that my memory continues to improve - but if not - I’m okay with it - as long as it doesn’t get worse.
I am able to work again which has given me more confidence.