know from time to time Lyme Disease has been brought up numerous times on Joe Rogan's podcast, amongst other things like Prion Disease, Malaria, West Nile etc... Joe is a hunter, outdoorsman and has 10 other friends who've contracted Lyme... Well what's interesting is he had this pro-vaccine scientist recently on and he brought up the old LymeRix Vaccine.
It's quite obvious Joe knows his stuff or he wouldn't of brought this up in the conversation. And while our government looks at vector borne disease as the most important is thing is mass containment first, there's those of us that have done our homework and know Vaccines aren't 100% safe.
One things for sure, Joe knows more than he's leading on, he probably could of also brought up the new John Hopkins Study which shows 1 in 5 people could still have a chronic infection despite what Peter Hotez still claiming chronic lyme disease doesn't exist, lol, amazing big pharma scientist shills are still hawking this today despite new evidence from the John Hopkins study, Embers study, and others... Again, the government and big pharma still not owning up to the lies....
I'm sure vaccines are safe on the majority of patients, but some Vaccines do have their side effects, I'm sure more than others like the LymeRix. Do I plan on getting the new Lyme Vaccine when it comes out, lol, nope! Is it going to vaccinate me from Babesia, Bartonella, Powassan Virus? Highly doubtful, which are probably the main reasons why lyme is staying chronic along with biofilms. This should start up some interesting discussion...
There was other things that should of been mentioned that LymeRix only made you immune to 1 strain, while there's up to 50+ different strains of borrelia that are in our habitat.
And it was also surprising that Joe said he knew a friend that took the LymeRix Vaccine and then contracted Lyme Disease afterwards... You have to listen to some of the answers from this scientist after these were brought up, lol, it's obvious he didn't know how to respond. He claims LymeRix was pulled because of "market/perception problem," what a liar, lol.
Joe without a doubt has one of the biggest and most watched channels on YouTube, but one of these days he's gonna say the wrong thing, craps gonna hit the fan does like it has with other YouTubers. When your voice becomes too big, there's going to be repercussions... A good example is Sandy Hook and Alex Jones. Now that was a fictional conspiracy, what happens if a conspiracy brought up is true... For instance the coverup of lyme disease and the lyme vaccine. It's very interesting how 10 other of Joe's friends have Lyme Disease, yet this is barely talked about
on TV, and when it's brought up it's still looked as if chronic lyme infection doesn't exists, I suspect we have some serious flaws within our government system, one of these days the crap is going to hit the fan because big pharma or government never admits to ever wrong doing.
Another great story to listen about
how Joe's friend Steven Kotler sued his own Doctor because of lack of treatment and misdiagnosis of Lyme Disease. Edited (Charlie55) : 3/19/2019 6:14:23 PM (GMT-6)