Girlie said...
MariaS74 said...
Rifampicin lowers the effect of malarone. How do you treat Babesia while using Rifampicin against Bartonella?
My llmd treats Babesia first for several months , then goes on to Bartonella.
While on Bart treatment he also has you take some other antimalarials - he had me take dapsone and Clindamycin when I was killing Bartonella.
He also had me take the herbals Cryptolepis and Artemisinin.
I believe that Clindamycin is an anti malarial so it targets Babesia.
Dapsone as well
I reacted terribly to clindamycin. My llmd doesn't use it in his practice as a choice of babesia treatment because it says the side effects. It made me anxious, depressed and felt I was going crazy. I had negative babs microti test bt wasn't tested for babs duncani. Since I reacted so strongly to the clindamycin do you think it's worth getting tested for the babs duncani this time with Igenex because I heard you can have either microti or duncani ?