First, three years of antibiotics can wreak havoc on your body. If you haven't been improving anymore, than there isn't any need for antibiotics. They may be the main reason you aren't getting better.
Buhner's Protocol is very powerful, but you need to be careful how you approach it. Bartonella and Babesia are in separate books, not in his Healing Lyme book. It is more advisable to start off with only the Core Protocol for each. The other botanicals (herbs) and supplements are for supportive purposes, and can be either added later on, or added first before you begin trying to attack the infections directly.
My opinion is that you should start by correcting you diet and your gut. Almost all disease starts in the gut, including the body's susceptibility to opportunistic diseases, such as Lyme disease, Co-infections, Candida, Viruses, etc. Detox is a great start, but if you are eating foods that aren't good for your body, such as foods that you are sensitive to, or that you are allergic to (two different things), than you are only going to make your body's internal inflammation worse. And that will make you feel worse. It's the inflammation that causes the damage, not the pathogens directly themselves . The idea is to reduce you overall toxic load on your body as much as possible. Checking for heavy metal toxicity is important too. By the way, antibiotics can really mess up the gut's natural flora (bacterial in the gut that help us). When this happens, you basically may never feel better until you correct the gut. Hence, why we take probiotics and eat foods like sauerkraut, etc.. Healthy gut flora will strengthen your immune system and help improve your mood as well.
Next, you can use botanicals to help detoxify your body even more. This is followed by further reducing the internal inflammation, not just with diet (organic foods, etc.), but by using botanicals, such as Burbur Pinella tincture, Epson Salt baths, drinking lot's of water throughout the day, etc.
Lastly, if you choose to go after the infections (the above three will do that naturally by collectively strengthen your immune system to fight off these infections), you can use Buhner's Protocol, among others, as well as in combination.
When you are ready to go after the infections, just go slow by adding one botanical at a time, and by starting with a very small dose and slowly working your way up to full dose over time. These botanicals are very strong, and can cause strong Herxing if taken too quickly.
There is a site that displays Buhner's Core Basic Protocols. See below:
You may want to start here, and then consider adding more to your protocol as your body becomes stronger. By the way, most of these botanicals fight many other kinds of infections, not just one specific thing, such as Bart. or Bab or Lyme. This is a good thing because many of them will destroy Candida (fungal infection) and Herpes Viruses, which are very much involved with Lyme diseaes and Co-infections, especially when you have been on antibiotics for a very long time, such as yourself.
Also, since you do have high blood pressure, do not use the Sida acuta, which is Buhner's first choice for Babesia and Bartonella. Cryptolepis is very powerful for both of these infections, and there isn't any blood pressure issue with it. There are other too, but the one I would avoid is the Artemisinin. It can be very dangerous and toxic to your liver, especially if used for more than one month.
Also, know that this will take a bit of time. That doesn't mean that you may not feel better within a short time, such as a month or two, but it does mean that you may need to continue treating for months and even years. Once you get to a point where you don't have anymore symptoms, then you treat at least two more months. Then, you can try stopping and see what happens. If any of your symptoms come back, the restart. When you are at a point where there isn't anymore symptoms for at least two months, then you can reduce your Protocol to a maintenance dose, and just stay on it indefinitely. The glory about
treating with most botanicals is that they usually aren't harmful to your both over long-term treatment, unlike antibiotics.
Lastly, be sure to have your diabetes under control. These bugs feed off of sugar. There are many supplements and botanicals that help with diabetes and that can be used with pharmaceuticals, but nothing is more important than keeps yourself at a good weight, mild exercise (walking for no more than 10 to 20 minutes three to four days per week, or less if needed), and a very good diet (avoid sugars, including many fruits for now, starches, such as breads, grains in general, dairy, eggs, even meats. Vegetarian diet is important (can eat white small fish a couple of days per week), such as beans and green veggies. There are reasons for why I am suggesting the above, but I won't get into it for now. Do what you can. It's your decision.
Listen, you can get better. You just need a little guidance, and persistency, as well as faith. Believe that you will get well, ask to get well, know that it will happen.
There is hope, you can do this.
Best wishes, and God bless!
Post Edited (Justin01) : 6/26/2018 8:57:04 AM (GMT-6)