RachelWest said...
I am new here, but have been lurking for years. Recently, I have had several episodes that have landed me in the ER. I have five strains of lyme, one of bartonella and I used to have babesia, but I tested negative a couple months ago. (Igenex) I know that test can be a false negative.
My recent episodes all happen when I am unwell. I get a massive, sudden hot flash, followed by a super fast heart rate. Is these babesia? I have a multitude of heart tests in a couple weeks to rule out heart stuff, as that runs in my family. I also started quintessence recently, so I wonder if I am causing a herx? Thoughts? It's absolutely frightening when it happens. I was driving with my young son the last time it happened.
Welcome to the forum, Rachel.
It could be a herx or possibly “just” a symptom of one of the diseases - ie lyme, Bart or Babesia.
I had symptoms ramp up sporadically even prior to even treating the infections.
When I herxed after treating Bartonella it was a lot more intense than I had ever experienced before and lasted longer.