Sorry I went MIA. My nervous system got hit hard with some sound triggers and its slowly getting better.
Running wild: thanks for your input. You are actually in a much better situation than me. I can't even go outside. It is horrible. I have zero energy for basic tasks. My EMF sensitivities are so bad I can hardly use my phone for connecting with the outside world. Thats the tip of the iceberg. Wish I had someone who could research treatments for me. I can barely spend time on the internet to do so.
Magoo: thanks, will look into it. Slim pickings here in Canada though. I've been dealing mostly with practiioners outside of the country.
WBF: We moved within our building a few months ago (didn't have a choice, not health related though). That was were I had done the ERMI test. The one where you collect dust from your home. ANyway, money down the drain because after I did the test we ended up moving so *shrug*. Now in our current unit I feel there is no use to do another test because we have decided we will be moving again (again not health related, just some other issues). So we hope to be out in a few months. I did do the mold test through great plains on myself. I posted the results though I didn't treat for it. I don't work, havent worked in years because of health issues. My gut tells me its not mold related though. I have a hunch its something else, but at this point I really dont know what. So thats where I'm at at this point re mold stuff. Current practioner said its not mold related but he also does not seem very well versed in my condition, thats anothe story. Will be moving on from him too. Deep sigh.
Sara: I could try DNRS again however I am skeptical of its results. When I first tried it, i went gung ho for 3 months, then stopped. Right now I dont have the strength to do the movements. And apparently they said this is key to the practice. So I don't know really, what to do.
. Interesting that they say it has led to success in Long Covid patients who have had similar symptoms to me. Not sure what to make of that.
I have pretty much been confined to my room for the last 2 yrs since symptoms returned. And each day, with each sound trigger, I feel worse. I could cope before but now its really beginning to affect me. Quality of life is very poor. So just feeling like I'm at the end of all this. Desperate to regain my health and life back. Thank you for reading and offering tips. Willing to accept any prayers or postiive vibes, anything. Send em over! LOL
I just wish I could figure out what is causing me to react to treatments and why I can't tolerate anything. This is the million dollar question and why I keep having to move on to something else.