Never got to properly mourn this sad news, it was only about
6 months ago...I took his protocol, as much of it as I could on a very limited budget to say the's as powerful as ABX those herbs I have to say!
So powerful in fact that I had Herxs that scared me into stopping for awhile...
I still have some Teasel Root tincture I bought on Etsy, and that herb really does something. I need to research the MOA (method of action, pharmocokinetics) before I take any more...
And I think Banderol and Samento (sry I forget Otoba Root extract and Cat's Claw) are still the go-to's...
I would like to get better and continue treatment, but I don't want Herxs that incapacitate me... (!)
Anyway, to a knowledgeable, generous, kind author/herbalist who has helped so many...RIP.
And to anyone wondering how I'm doing, I'm doing OK! with keto diet as much as I can, and zero/low sugar when I'm good about
watching (what I eat).. ...however not back to my old self (full function) yet and fairly certain I've got Babesiosis, Bartonellosis as well as Borreliae still coursing through what load? not sure...
I see Buhner's life as an inspiration to gain more knowledge and help others while I still can.