I never mentioned my daughter’s symptoms. I hope this provide insight as to how SICK she was...
Once the Lyme-N was initiated symptoms left or reduced such as…women issues to include PCOS and hellish hot flashes or hormones imbalance, TMD/TMJ ruled out, Bell’s Palsy (no one could determine this) (no drooping but hurt to talk).
She sees a speech therapist who uses the Lee Silverman Voice Treatment for assessing and rehabilitating cognitive speech, language, voice, and ((dysphasia disorders, she works on this with her and believes that daughter has no speech issue but do say that her swallowing is an issue due to her Lyme muscle weakness and the facial pain is also Lyme related)).
She is certified in Cognitive and Behavioral Consequences of TBI in adults. She worked with my daughter by giving her homework exercises to do and in office bi weekly. Last appointment for this year was on 12/20/2022. (I can send homework if anyone needs them). This will help her regain her speech without pain (this service isn’t required). I believe it is Lyme related too and my daughter didn't need this service but at the onset of the Lyme N treatment my daughter felt comfort with the facial exercises.
Daughter described the feeling as "losing her articulation" with the facial pain.
Since 2018 (the bite) and finding Lyme N on November 18, 2022, she had stopped working (3/2022. she has been in and out of the workforce since tick bite in 2018) because of the chronic fatigue and whole body pain (Lyme arthritis), sleep issues, nausea, constipation, stomach pain, Candida, facial pain, anxiety, depression, brain fog, confusion, Lyme food allergies etc.
It was BAD!
Functional care: 2020 Cyrex Lab results were
No Lyme- Borrelia burgdorferi but she had the co infections of
Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), Ehrlichia, Babesia mimics Borrelia and is considered the same, Bartonella, and other opportunitic bacterias (revealed about
4 low level infections).
Before 2020 results, unfortunately, while undiagnosed, she was ILL! I (we,) kept tellin any dr that she was tick bitten but the traditional drs gas litted us. As a mom, I didn’t know how to help but I kept taking her to many traditional drs and in and out of the ER, she contracted MRSA from visiting for HELP-the last ER doctor helped with this. Late 2020, the journey in to natural care begun...
My disgust with traditional drs "they" do not know about
or how to deal with LYME or its CO INFECTIONS other than offering antibiotics to victims against "aggressive" , military grade bacterias". The public has no idea of this potential threat and CDC refuses to warn the public as this is a heath crisis worldwide!
Post Edited (Wanda22) : 12/31/2022 1:39:03 PM (GMT-8)