Garzie said...
n general the number of different organism we can supplement in probiotic form is tiny vs the number of different types in the gut - and as the quote above indicates - there are mixed reports from studies on the benefits
exactly. Which is another reason I am considering reducing dramatically. This stuff isn't cheap.
Garzie said...
some very well done studies actually show the gut is actually disturbed from its normal microbiome pattern for longer in those that use probiotics while on antibiotics than without ( ie the reverse of what we are typically told)
That is interesting.
Garzie said...
ocus on diversifying my gut bacteria with as many sources of fibre, coloured veg, mushrooms, etc etc in the diet as i could manage - as diversity in the gut microbiome is protective and reliably associated with better health outcomes - and diversity in the diet more than probiotics drives diversity in the microbiome. its this diversity that protects against blooms of C-Diff etc - as there are less niches available for invasive species when the microbiomes is more diverse
This is what I have been doing with supplements and probiotics are my next group I am looking at. I am trying to get off the "kill" mentality and get more into the feed one.