I've never tested as thiamine deficient. In fact, I tested high for it, and I've had GI symptoms that some top Lyme doctors said was some of the worst they'd ever seen.
There are many, many known reasons for GI symptoms in Lymies/patients with tick-borne diseases.
Here's a more comprehensive addendum to my post earlier:
- Lyme and other tick-bornes can damage the nerves in the gut, preventing proper nerve functioning
- Lyme and other tick-bornes can damage the mucosal layer in the gut, resulting in immune reactions, leaky gut and all kinds of other problems
- A weak immune system due to these infections can cause yeastm fungal or parasitic overgrowth in the intestines, causing most symptoms symptoms we've discussed
- Lyme and other tick-bornes can directly damage the gut muscles themselves
- These infections can cause dysfunction of your vagas nerve, which helps regulate elimination/bowel function
- These infections can also deplete your body of magnesium, needed to bring water to the gut and help keep gut muscles from overtightening
- Higher up in the GI tract...the infections can live in your salivary glands, damaging their ability to secrete saliva, needed for good digestion.
- The infections can damage the proton pumps in your stomach, which produce stomach acid, used to help digest your food and kill bad bugs in the stomach
- These infections can cause similar muscle/mucosal/neuro dysfunction in the stomach, slowing gastric emptying
- These infections can make you grind your teeth while sleeping, dulling them, so you don't chew food as effectively.
- These infections can create adrenal weakness, which can also affect gut functioning.
So, from the very top of your GI system (teeth) to the middle (stomach) to the end (even the anus), these bugs can create problems.
That's why I've never believed in a single magic bullet solution. Unless your symptoms are really mild, in which case, I doubt you'd post here.
For me, hydration, a strict diet, exercise, and some exotic meds help keep it under control.
Post Edited (Hogwild) : 2/14/2023 10:33:56 AM (GMT-8)