Rosie in the Mountains said...
Hello. I'm new to these boards, but not to the Lyme community. I believe I contracted Lyme 15+ years ago. I didn't realize it at the time, but in hindsight, I remember having a bullseye rash. At the time, it was diagnosed as ringworm (from school gym mats), and I didn't think much about it.
7 years ago I wasn't feeling well, and this is when it first crossed my mind that I might have Lyme. All the symptoms were there, and have been for some time. I went to 2 LLMDs - one gave me a positive clinical diagnosis based on 2 Igenex IgG bands (31,41) and my laundry list of symptoms.
I wanted a second opinion, and went to another LLMD who I though was very well regarded in the state. She tested me with MDL labs, and said I was negative, that there was NO way I had Lyme. She called me to provide my results, and I never actually saw the labs myself (something I deeply regret, but I blindly trusteed her because she was a prominent figure in the Lyme space). I didn't do any treatment, and worked with a functional med doc on mitochondrial health. I started to feel a bit better, but many of my symptoms didn't go away.
Fast forward to last year, feeling really awful again. I went to a functional med doc, and there were definitely some issues with my bloodwork. We focus on my hormones/thyroid, supplements, and my diet. I start to feel a little better, then have another major flare. My neuro symptoms were really affecting me, and I was having joint and body pains. My gut told me to test for Lyme again.
The functional med doc suggests we do CD57, Lyme, Line Blot Serum, and some viruses like EBV (through Lab Corp). The results show I'm very low on CD57 (44) and I pop on IgG 41 again. My IgG EVB nuclear antigen is also very high. He provides another clinical diagnosis of Lyme, based on CD57, IgG band 41, symptoms, and what I told him about my prior experience.
I start to wonder why I never saw my results from the 2nd LLMD 7 years ago, so I request them. They seem reluctant to go find them, but I push for it since they are technically supposed to keep those results for 7 years (April will be 7 years). They send me the first page that says I'm negative, but I notice a note about band 41, and to reference the next page. I message them again, and ask if they can send that page too.
They send it to me, and it's the results for Borrellia B31 + OspA/B IgG ViraStripe IgG through MDL labs:
Bands kD: Intensity, % of cut off
93: 50%
66: 46%
41: 209%
39: 37%
30: 53%
There is a note that says: Bands presented must have an intensity greater or equal to 60% of the cut-off control band.
One or two bands from: 23, 31, 34, 39, 93 kD are considered equivocal as the "alternate criteria"....3 is considered "alternate positive" - so not CDC positive, but I guess it's positive for that lab.
So my question - is it signifiant that some of these bands were pretty close to 60%? Since I've potentially had this for many, many years, I understand it can be hard to have is show on a test - especially unprovoked.
I was just really surprised when I saw the test, because she brushed it off like it was absolutely nothing. And when I looked, it didn't seem like nothing.
If you read this far, thank you. I would love to hear your thoughts. I'm looking for a new LLMD, but in the meantime, I can't get this off my mind.
Welcome to the forum, Rosie.
Looking at your lab results - along with your medical history - there’s no doubt in my mind you have Lyme and coinfections.
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