I can do this way cheaper, starting tomorrow if I wanted to. You were paying for a fancy clinic, above and beyond the normal price for using an APRwave machine.
That Spero place sounds ungodly expensive. And in Arkansas of all places, a lower income state. But ....Spero specializes in “Complex Regional Pain Syndrome”. Maybe due to your condition you needed that clinic?
The places I contacted didn’t mention any fancy disorder name they, just call it “Neuro muscle memory”, which everybody has. Nothing really special about
I don’t plan on going to a well known specialty clinic. As this gets more common, the price is dropping. Even leasing one and doing appointments via live media would be much cheaper
https://www.howmuchisit.org/arp-wave-machine-cost/Some fitness related chiropractors have these now. A typical chiropractic appointment with modern equipment is still only $40-$80 per visit in North central US. In my case if a chiro or PT clinic takes my insurance, it’s $40 a visit. In that case even at five days a week for three months is 2700 bucks. And since this technology is now FDA approved, insurance is more likely to cover it, if the clinic itself accepts insurance.
I also found a functional medicine clinic that has these but of course that’s going to be more expensive than 40 a visit regardless of what you do at their appointment, so I doubt I will go there. (Most functional medicine doctors do not take insurance).
At the beginning of the pandemic, I had three visits (which was further to drive than what I care for), but just 80 bucks a visit using the ARPwave, with no insurance. I decided to spend my time and money on NUCCA first ($70 per appt) since my head was literally on my neck a little bit crooked.
I remember when the dry needling was a new thing. It was so rare that it was $500 a session at some regional specialty clinics. I waited till It got more popular and then my insurance covered it for 40 bucks a visit. Good thing that’s all it cost me because it certainly didn’t work very well.
Post Edited (astroman) : 4/5/2023 9:02:11 PM (GMT-8)