K1986 said...
Over 4 years ago I was reaching for a shirt and suddenly had a horrible pain in my back. I went to my chiro the next day and the pain went away on that side and moved directly across to the right side in the rhomboid area and has stayed ever since. I've been to 3 chiros many, many times and PT and nothing has fixed it. Although it's slightly better. There is a lump in that spot. I then had an injury from weightlifting over a year after this started a little below that area. Over a year ago I tweaked my lower back from a deadlift and it has yet to heal. I should mention I work with a trainer and neither time was I lifting heavy. I feel like I'm more prone to injury.
about 2 years ago out of nowhere I was having problems with my wrist and thumb and was diagnosed with De Quervain and was scheduled for surgery the following week but cancelled and did PT. After a lot of PT and dry needling it has gotten better but still acts up and still am limited on some things I can do.
It feels like my tissue in the rhomboid and wrist area are super tight all the time. I will scrape it and it helps temporarily. My hands will also tighten up at times. There's burning in my thoracic at times and it too gets tight. Sitting makes everything worse but sometimes the pain is so bad I can't do anything else.
I was diagnosed with mercury toxicity at a very high level (probably from tuna) and have been doing DMSA detox for almost a year with some progress. about 2 months ago I tested positive for Lyme and bartonella, and one other one. Ive been taking A Bart and A-L complex with little improvement.
So my questions are, Does Lyme settle into injured areas? Does Lyme prevent injuries from healing? Has anyone else experienced this type of pain with Lyme or do I need to look at it being something else? How long does the Byron White protocol take to notice a difference? Any advice is appreciated.
I feel so lost and it's so hard to find answers.
My first and worst symptom was in my upper left side of my back.
I had been working at a desk job (likely poor posture) - long hours and one evening after work napping on the couch.
I woke up in terrible pain - so bad my husband took me to the ER.
Over a year later I tested positive for Lyme. By then I had many many more symptoms.
Edited to add: Welcome to the forum