Girlie said...
I’m getting exercise. Along with the elliptical and treadmill (daily) we will be riding our bikes to tennis courts once the weather warms up here (and the forest fires smoke abates.)
Also will be swimming in our lake soon - it’s a bit chilly now.
exercise is good in many many respects - not only for brain health of course
but the specific bits that helps drive brain plasticity is learning new movements - eg dance, a sport or manual skill, ( tennis is a good example - as you are always leaning new movements - driving new coordination skills etc - as its this discomfort and persisting to practice that forces the brain to lay down new connections - ie be plastic)
Girlie said...
I do eat eggs, and olive oil but I don’t eat any fish (I can’t stand the taste of it.)
I do eat meat - but not “grass fed”
Omega 3's are very important for brain health - study shows a lack of them leads to developmental brain disorders in young people - and cognitive decline is also associated with v low levels
oily fish is one of the richest sources
so much so that getting enough without them in the diet can be difficult
vegetable sources relay on conversion into useable forms inside the body - which is inefficient
grass fed ruminant meat contains useful levels because its made by the bacteria that ferment the grass in their gut and produce these special fatty acids - this doesn't happen much with feedlot feeds used in most USA beef production - which drive a different gut environment in the ruminant vs grass
shellfish like oysters and mussels also have useful amounts - if you like those ?
if you are not getting sources of useful omega 3 in your diet right now - i would defo think about
adding some
we cant know for sure in each individuals case ( having said that - maybe there are blood tests available now )
but a lack of this on its own could be enough to drive cognitive problems in the long run
so much like many vitamins etc - given your concerns and current low intake
i think it makes sense to add it as a kind of insurance plan