summer16 said...
Quin, could you share your alternative approaches?
I've discussed it here to summarize
If bartonella has become resistant to rifampin (rifampicin) then rifampin is probably useless, as research has shown that this resistance generally does not revert. See, resistance to azithromycin may be able to be overcome to some degree.
Your options are
1. Try to overcome the azithromycin resistance with an efflux pump inhibitor such as atovaquone or juglone
2. Switch to another antibiotic, such as minocycline or trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole
I also found it difficult to completely eliminate the bartonella infection unless I also took something that would disturb the dormant bartonella and get it to come out. Some suggestions are disulfiram, lopinavir/ritonavir, methylene blue, and sodium valproate. Ultimately I used sodium valproate, but the choice really depends on what you can tolerate the side effects of.