NorthCountry said...
Interesting. Well that doesn’t sound super promising for either then.
What would be even strong than both JK and Andro?
Feels like of the two Andro is the stronger one, at least for me though.
some people have got better from Buhner herbs alone
others not so much
i got to around 50% recovered by mainly using Buhner herbs - so they were definitely helpful for me
but i was at max dosage of all of his lyme and bartonella herbs per his later books - including Cryptolepis -etc for over 2 years
i am at around 60% recovered - which is good - but my recovery was slowing and seemed to plateau
so i have been adding things to see if i can move it forward some more - but keeping the things that have got me this far
i have bartonella as well as lyme - and maybe others too - so it may depend on which infections a person has, as well as the condition of their immune system.
this later piece is a large factor in my view.
in terms of other herbal options - Cryptolepis is shown to have direct antispirochetal activity against borrelia in in-vitro studies from Johns Hopkins - so this is one option - allicin from garlic and some essential oils also -
the difficulty with such studies is that since they are in-vitro only - its often not known if the concentrations used in the lab in test tubes / petri dishes can be reached in blood and tissues by oral use in humans.
there may also be concerns due to lack of good long term safety data for use of high doses that might be needed - so some caution is indicated.