Quin said...
Bartonella smells awful. I once thought I got c diff, but it was actually bart.
You are taking bactrim, but you don't think this is a herx?
Very good question, I'd like to know the answer to that myself lol. I don't think it's a herx. It's not my first rodeo here, I've had direah off of abx before in the past. It's like every single thing I eat now, just comes right back out. I want to say my gut is screwed up from abx and maybe gut balance is off so maybe I need more probiotics? Idk if it's even possible to have a diareah herx lol is it? I also have ibs that I think got worse. Bile salts helped loads but now being on abx almost 2 months, seems like the bile salts stopped working. Chicken seems to hold down just fine so idk if it's a herx. I think it's rather my gut is more sensitive to the abx and maybe it made more food intolerance now?