Everbark said...
I finally got my Igenex FISH test results and am trying not to be too discouraged. I am positive for babesia and negative for Bartonella. Unfortunately, none of the Horowitz subjects in his paper who had FISH positive babesia experienced 100% remission. But it was a fairly small cohort and someone has to be first, right? My doctor is finally sending in the prescriptions today and I will be starting as soon as I get my hands on them. I sure hope this is the right decision.
ref babs FISH and remission - i wouldn't read too much into this
there were only 6 people who had a positive Babesia FISH - so a v small sample size
and only 7 people out of 25 who reached full remission anyway - so only around 25%
so if everything else was equal we would then only expect 1.5 persons with a Babesia FISH positive to reach remission - and the difference between 0 and 1.5 persons on this sample size could be pure chance
also 5 of the 6 Babs FISH patients also had positive tests for Bart - which could prove to be the more relevant infection in terms of full remission
finally - some of those that did reach remission had serology positive for Babesia - and since testing is known to be poor - more could well have had Babesia but tested negative - so again - its very far from black and white case of "a positive FISH = no remission"
i think your chances of remission remain good
all the very best
keep us posted