itsnotjustlyme said...
Sometimes I feel like a leper, and sometimes its hard to relate to the people in my life, especially since I work in a rock climbing gym where everyone has a 6 pack and no sense of mortality.
Sometimes I feel like I understand something that only our elders should know. Like I fast-tracked my way to gratitude and wisdom. Don't justtt define yourself by Lyme. Define yourself by what you've accomplished and the adversity that has yet killed you!
I know I'm not supposed to advertise my website so I will just copy paste this from an article I wrote called Lyme Lessons: Why You Need Lyme:
We may fear loss of physical attractiveness, physical strength, and capacity for independence. We may fear the loss of easy acceptance and dignity and respectful recognition. Many fear the very loss of place in culture that would prefer to eject the aged as a too-vivid reminder of decrepitude and mortality. We may fear the loss of mental agility, glowing health, and the circumstances of our lives as we’ve become accustomed to them, with their veneer of freedom. We fear these attacks on who we think we are and on what we think we need and on how we want to be perceived. We fear the loss of our illusions of control.
I'm thinking of going to a Christian retreat to pray for awhile. The one thing that has my brain in a knot, is not being able to relate to the working crowd that surrounds me. By relate, I mean, I use to work 80hrs a week, I was, like that Under Our Skin 2 girl, a stage manager, so I was blue collar, but that was many, many years ago, and for many years after that I tried to get disability, which I eventually got, but that was a job in itself. I do not work anymore, but I do have goats and sell goat soap and hopefully goat milk... illegally.
A lot of conversations between men are about
work, development, buying property, blah, blah, and I cannot reciprocate. If it's politics, sure, I once cared about
that, but not anymore, seeing that none of that gets us anywhere. Family... well I'm divorced now, soooo. It's really my overall apathy and disinterest in another person's conversation that harms my own mental stability, on top of not being able to focus anyway.
It really stinks.