Garzie said...
i hope all is well there
Lymie - if you feel like sharing - i would be interested to hear your account of treatment at Jemsek's clinic
i know its a long process so just curious
how far in are you
how is it going so far
how do you feel about the prospects of recovery in 18months
that kind of thing
reason for my interest is that i am following Jemsek style pulsing of antibiotics - but on a self treat basis - since there are effectively no LLMDs in England where i live
Hey Garzie, Yeah no problem. I have been sick a long time and my treatment before Jemsek is worth mentioning in relation to Jemsek so I'll go through that briefly.
* Bit by tick in July 2015, had been attached prob 36-48 hours
* Lots of stuff I won't bore you with until January of 2017 when I starting trying to find a LLMD. Found one nearby
* Did extensive oral abx treatment with this doctor trying to hit Lyme, Babs, and Bart
* To be fair to that LLMD I stopped my intial treatment after 10 months as I felt so terrible and didn't feel like I was making progress.
* Tried herbals on my own, failed, got worse, and went back on abx in summer 2018.
* Went on Disulfiram summer of 2019. By holidays 2019 had noticeable improvement.
* Went off DSF summer 2020. Relapsed a few months later.
* Didn't do much until Feb 2022 when I first established with JSC
I give that background for understanding that I had done extensive oral abx before I ever visited Jemsek. From my first LLMD he had me on abx daily. I never did pulsing until Jemsek.
Jemsek specific:
I went to JSC because of the reputation. I was worried about
being a previous non-responder - minimal/moderate to oral abx in the past. They put me through their stabilization phase which did all of nothing for me. We started treatment and I did oral abx, herbs, and mepron from April 2022 to around April/May 2023. In July/August 2022 I got off schedule due to my dad dying but got back on that fall.
I never really responded to their protocols. My theory is that is not necessarily their fault. I knew that oral abx hadn't worked particularity well for me previously. It only worked moderately well when I first started combo abx treatment through my initial LLMD in 2017. I don't know. I thought maybe they had some magic sauce or something lol. Additionally, my gut, as is common with many who have this chronically, is all jacked up. I do wonder if my gut is too messed up to tolerate oral abx.
As a side not, when you book with them you always see a PA first. My PA, Rachel, was wonderful. My in-person appt and telephone consultations were great with her. She was smart and kind. I went up to DC last year to see her again, but something happened at the last minute and she was unavailable so they squeezed me in 15 minutes after their clinic had closed and Jemsek saw me that day. I don't know if it was because it was a Friday and they had technically already closed, but Jemsek came off as an angry old man. He was rude, didn't listen to me, and was adamant that we had spoke on the phone before even though I had never seen him in person nor spoke to him in my entire life up until that point. I'm gracious so I don't finalize my judgement on one encounter, and, I know he has helped so many and that is what really matters, but, I did not enjoy my visit with him. When I realized the appt wasn't going to go well I just played along, fixed my face, and couldn't wait to get out there which was unfortunate because we had just drove 10 hours to see him. My wife on the other hand could not control her stank face lol.
Anyways, I am not currently in treatment with them. I'm not sure oral abx is the way for me to go right now and I wasn't seeing enough results from JSC to justify the trip and cost. I'm about
to try Disulfiram again and maybe some other add-ins later. If there is anything else you would like to know let me know! JSC has it's patients sign a NDA to not post their protocols online, but I could fill you in on the strategy they used with me if you would like through e-mail.