Thanks, both of you have been very helpful.
I will start on monday.
The Thing is, i have Always believed in treating root causes in general. I'm a strong enemy of the Sunset of ME/CFS people who Just Accept their illness and do basically nothing but symptomatic Treatment. Everybody has His right to choose, but I View it as wrong
What has discouraged me is the amount of antibiotics that haven't been helpful for me so far. The only ones that ever worked at all for me were Doxycycline and Minocycline.
Cats claw = nothing, Banderole = nothing, artemesia annua = nothing, Azithromycin = nothing, Ceftriaxone= nothing, tinidazole = nothing
I have done a somewhat fair amount of antimicrobial Regimens already so you might Understand where my negativitiy comes from.
The rifampin / minocycline is a somewhat Last Resort because the Most stuff i mentioned above is inactive for bartonella, so adressing Bart instead of lyme Primary - might make a Change for me and i really Hope so.
Else I start to believe my CFS-like illness comes from somewhere Else. Not that i would ever Just Accept it (i think you know i wouldnt lol)
Thank you two again