Yesterday (Sunday, June 9th) was Day 6 of the Healing Lyme summit. one of the talks, Dr. Horowitz mentioned his youngest pediatric patient for which he had prescribed dapsone therapy was only seven years old at the time. The video featured the (now older) girl who shares a few minutes of her story.
What irritated me most about
this is the doctors blamed the child for making up her symptoms for attention and diagnosed her with Munchausen Syndrome. That really angers me beyond descript
ion. I Googled her name and found the following article.
At 8, She Was Constantly Exhausted. It Took 51 Doctors to Discover She Had Lyme Disease try to avoid engaging in rage-bait posts, but the above story is just despicable. Of course, many of our members deal with incorrect or incomplete diagnoses, as well as being subjected to apathy, blame, ridicule, gaslighting, etc.
For anyone who's dealt with any of these, we know you're telling the truth and you're not wrong, crazy, depressed, bored, or seeking attention. You're only seeking help from a system that has failed many of us, and, unfortunately, largely continues to do so.