I hope everyone is well.
I'm making another note here.
Unfortunately, I'm not going to bring any good news.
I don't know if you've ever had the feeling that you're at the end of your rope, that your body is giving up and can't recover. Because that's really how I feel right now. It's like my vital functions are hanging by a thread.
The problem is that I can't and don't dare talk too much to the doctors about
it, because they'll blame it on depression or a psychological affair, but no: it's really the feeling my body is sending me.
It's a purely physical symptom. My life gauge is "exhausted".
I'm afraid Lyme has become a good head to justify all my symptoms, hiding more serious concerns behind its back. I feel as if I've got heart problems, my blood doesn't circulate properly to my brain.
But how do I know? My blood pressure is fine when taken at the arm.
I'm 30 and feel like I'm 90. My grandparents are ten times fitter than I am.
I can't do anything special any more, and the slightest physical effort like going for a walk or running a few errands puts me in a state of malaise for the rest of the day.
I've already written a will, just in case something bad happens.
I'm already not well but I'm still suffering from the discomfort I mentioned in another post, which is becoming increasingly frequent and violent: https://www.healingwell.com/community/default.aspx?f=30&m=4339335
At times my field of vision narrows, I feel lost and confused, I get dizzy all of a sudden... it really does feel like I'm going to pass out on the spot.
It doesn't seem to worry my doctor, so I think I'm screwed if I ever hope to understand the cause of my problems. I don't even understand how they can remain stoic in the face of so many alarm signals.
I always have to take more medication, so much so that it makes me nauseous to swallow it. My body can't take it anymore... There are so many that I can't even keep up with the dosage.
And financially, between that and the imposed alternative diet, it's getting really expensive...
Anyway, I'm taking them but nothing's getting any better, I'd even say I'm slipping back to the worst...
On top of that, I still have a blood test to take in two weeks (before my next visit). So I'll keep you posted until then.