What do you guys do to help the pain?
I have chronic pain! It drives me nuts! Right now I take Vicoden, Tramadol, Klonopin.....epsom salt baths..etc..
I hopefully will see a pain specialist soon because this is getting crazy. I have been sick since I was young (since I was a baby) but we believe I started having Lyme symptoms around the age of 5. I am 20 now..almost 21 (one month!), and it's terrible. I am being treated by a LLMD a few hours away. Starting accupunture treatments and doing some natural stuff.
I have most of the co-infections and was diagnosed with Lyme 3 years ago. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalsia in 3rd grade.
So anything that has helped you guys deal with the pain? My legs have been KILLING me. Normally it's mainly my neck/shoulder/back..
Please let me know.
(20. California)
[email protected]