have to say that with all these "other" possible conditions, I'm practically going nuts.
Since I am having issues with alcohol and sugar (and gluten) too, I paid for a few of the alternative candida tests. According to my CDSA from Geneva labs, I was +2 for candida growth, with +4 being the worst. I also had my ELISA test for Candida done by Immunolabs which came back positive (1:5000 titer). I tried to find some comparative literature to Immunolabs ELISA value and none of the medical research shows values similar to Immunolabs, thus making me think they are another "on the fringe" type labs. I don't have visible fungus infections, but I am having a lot of trouble with my GI tract, which has been scoped every way possible, and there are not visible issues there either. Clinical systemic candidiasis is very visible and typically identifiable on certain blood tests once it has set in.
So my question is, for those that had certifiable candida, was it "covert" like many of the holistic websites subscribe to, or was it a very visible, unquestionable case that you probably didn't need to have a test to tell that you had? What were your symptoms and how were you able to tell it apart from Lyme?