chief #7 said...
I'm curious as to what are y'all's major symptoms since we have a pretty similar infection situation. Mine are 1) head and neck pain (headaches/stiff neck) 2)light sensitivity (eyes) 3) joint pain (wrists and ankles)
chied #7 - The symptoms you describe are prtty much what I'm left with. The head and neck pain (about
15 month now), occasional light and sound sensitivity, and wrist/hand pain... I think my ankle pain might be due to the Levaquin, but it's not severe and resolves after a few hours (in the morning).
I'm going to see about the neck/head pain today with my pain mngmt. doctor. I don't want pain meds, I want the pain gone! I'm going to see if an Xray is in order and then if it's not "bone" related or a slipped/bulging disc, I'll take it from there.
All the best.