Well. Jginkc is seeing a new LLMD that took a more aggressive approach. I don't think he was too thrilled after going to the jernigan clinic and he wanted another opinion. Jginkc was not real excited about jernigans magic belt that he wears. It supposedly tells them exactly which pathogens is in your body as we waves his arms around your body. Sounds more like voodoo or witch craft to me. I can't properly explain it though, i've never seen his magic belt.
Anyways, his new LLMD had him on IV rocephin and added mepron. I'm not sure how many months he was on IV but he just came off it about 5 days ago. He was very tired throughout the rocephin treatment but i'm sure he is getting his energy back now. He is doing orals now. I would imagine that he will touch base again sometime soon.